We love our pets. We spoil them. We flaunt them with pride and manage their Instagram feeds with more care than our own. But is there more symbiosis going on in this relationship than we previously thought
One of the unhealthiest crazes of today is that which has us labelled as something of the YouTube Generation or the Viral Generation. Of the many cat videos I’ve also been guilty of watching, which lead to hours and hours on end spent watching related videos where a lot of nothingness is featured really, there …
Compared to men, women are more vulnerable to specific foot problems, the majority of which are the outcome of years of walking in high heels that squeeze the forefoot and tight-fitting shoes that cramp the toes. More than often, women suffer from ankle and arch issues, some of the most common ones are listed below, …
E-cigarettes, e-liquids and vape mods have been described as disruptive technology which has the power to break the fatal relationship that people share with tobacco. There has always been a debate about which is better for health, e-cigarettes or vape mods. Health experts say that people smoke nicotine but they die due to the tar. …
You’ve probably been told that flossing is important. At the back of your mind, you probably know that flossing is important. However, few people actually understand why flossing is so important. As such, it’s common for even people who diligently brush their teeth every day to see flossing as something of secondary importance, more of …
Whitening pens can seem like quite an attractive idea. They’re cheap, and most manufacturers promise relatively fast results. Unfortunately, whitening pens really can’t hold a candle to the professional whitening services offered by a dentist, and here are just a few reasons why.
The Anatomy of a Woman’s Body The biological differences between men and women can be quite significant sometimes and this article will highlight and discuss some of the key parts of a woman’s body and how it can affect life in general. Legs & Hips The curves that come with being a woman can be …
Chronic inflammation doesn’t develop overnight, but it’s, in fact, the consequence of years of poor dieting, the lack of exercising, or in other words, a consequence of inadequate life habits. What’s even worse, it has been shown that inflammation can be one of the major causes of various diseases, including autoimmune disorders, type 2 diabetes, …
The Oxford English Dictionary definition of the word “chore” is “an unpleasant but necessary task.” By that logic, the process of washing your expensive and much-loved makeup brushes certainly fits the bill. It’s tedious, it’s annoying, it’s difficult to find joy in, and often the bristles don’t come out as well as they did before …
It’s time for some undisturbed quality time with the girls on this coming Ko Samui island trip. Pack your summer clothes, swimsuits, sunglasses and party dresses and you are all set for an amazing island stay in the Gulf of Thailand. With the sun shining down and the ocean in front of you, it is …