When you are a college student, sometimes it can feel like you have no great options available to you in terms of getting a fantastic getaway like older generations can. While everyone else has already made their millions, and able to go on any trip they want to, you are still stuck in school. Worse …
1. Exercise isn’t necessary: Let’s just settle this for all of you hopefuls out there – if you want those lost pounds to stay lost, you’re going to have to exercise. Detoxes definitely will help you to shed the pounds quickly, but that is due to lack of calories. Once you decide it’s time to …
We’re all probably aware that fast food foods are filled with salt and sugar; however, there are some shocking secrets that you’re probably unaware of. Will this be enough to make you pack in the fattening burgers for good and opt for a healthier lifestyle? We hope so. The Drink Dispenser Should you not value …
I try my best to be healthy; I eat my fruits and veggies, drink plenty of water, and exercise daily. So why is it that I still feel run down? Why do I have a cold that I can’t seem to shake? Why do I not feel my best? So maybe I’m not the epitome of health, I skip …
Wine, in particular the red variety, has been studied in depth over many years with remarkable conclusion suggesting it may encourage a longer lifespan, shield against certain cancers, improve mental health, and offer benefits to the heart. However, drinking any alcoholic beverage in excess can lead to serious health problems associated with it; therefore you …
There are so many food myths floating around that it can be hard to identify what’s good or bad for us, which is why we have compiled a list of products that are surprisingly good for your health. Spoiler alert: this includes chocolate. Knew that would keep you reading. Cheddar Cheese When eaten in moderation, …
We hear a lot about fitness retreats and health camps. Something about sweating away in muddy and dark England isn’t as appealing as these beautiful destinations… The bespoke body reboot- Buccament Bay Here you get a tailor-made wellness package and get to chose how much exercise you do each day, from Pilates to kickboxing. The …
Unfortunately, many people are turning to convenient, unhealthy foods as they are seemingly a lot cheaper than healthy items. People all over the world are struggling with debt problems, and purchasing expensive fruit and vegetables just doesn’t feel like a viable option for many. However, our goal is to help you eat healthily without breaking …
The whole world and her husband seem to be suffering from debt at the moment, with many people being forced to turn to food banks for assistance. Many households are therefore struggling to pay for basic essentials that are important to our diets, such as fruit, vegetables and meat. However, there are ways to eat …
Attempting a new weight loss system is bound to be a little daunting, as you’re likely to wonder whether you have what it takes to battle the bulge. Well, you do. The following celebrities once thought that they’d never achieve their dream weight, but look at them now. Rick Gervais In 2010, Ricky Gervais and …